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Showing posts from October 13, 2023

Toxic plants.

Toxic Plants and Their Uses 20 Toxic Plants and Their Surprising Uses While many plants are known for their harmful effects, some toxic plants have found unique applications throughout history. In this article, we'll delve into 20 toxic plants and the unconventional uses they have served. 1. Castor Bean Plant (Ricinus communis) The castor bean plant produces ricin, a deadly toxin, but it also yields castor oil, used in cosmetics and industrial applications. 2. Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna, despite its toxicity, has been employed in low doses for its medicinal properties, primarily as a muscle relaxant. 3. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) /> Foxglove, known for its cardiac toxicity, has been used in controlled doses to treat heart conditions. 20. Oleander (Nerium oleander) Oleander contains toxins, but its extracts have been explored for potential cancer-fighting properties. It's im...