Alzheimer Disorder:- Definition:- Alzheimer’s disease (pronounced “alz-HAI-mirs”) is a brain condition that causes a progressive decline in memory, thinking, learning and organizing skills. It eventually affects a person’s ability to carry out basic daily activities. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. It is also called senile dementia. Etiology:= -Amyloid protein builds up in your brain cells, forming larger masses called plaques. Twisted fibers of another protein called tau form into tangles. These plaques and tangles block the communication between nerve cells, which prevents them from carrying out their processes. The slow and ongoing death of the nerve cells results in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Nerve cell death starts in one area of your brain (usually in the area of your brain that controls memory — the hippocampus) and then spreads to other areas. Symptoms:-Mild Having difficulty finding the right words to express tho...